If you’re looking to spot koalas along the Great Ocean Road, there are a few places where you have a good chance of seeing these iconic Australian animals in their natural habitat. Here are some recommended spots:

  1. Kennett River: Kennett River is well-known for its resident koala population. Take a stroll along Grey River Road or Kennett River Koala Walk and keep your eyes on the eucalyptus trees. You’re likely to spot koalas resting or munching on leaves high up in the branches. The area is also frequented by a variety of bird species, making it a great spot for wildlife enthusiasts.
  2. Cape Otway: Cape Otway, located at the southern end of the Great Ocean Road, is another excellent place to see koalas. The dense forests and abundant eucalyptus trees provide an ideal habitat for these marsupials. Explore the trails within Cape Otway National Park, such as the Madsen’s Track and Cape Otway Lightstation Walk, to increase your chances of spotting koalas in their natural environment.
  3. Great Otway National Park: As you travel through the Great Otway National Park, particularly in areas with eucalyptus forests, keep a lookout for koalas. The park is home to a thriving population of these adorable creatures. Pull over at designated viewpoints or take short walks along the park’s trails, such as Maits Rest or Triplet Falls, and scan the treetops for koalas.
  4. Apollo Bay: While Apollo Bay township itself is not known for having a significant population of wild koalas, it is still possible to spot these adorable creatures in the surrounding areas. Koalas are known to inhabit the eucalyptus forests and woodlands nearby, so with a bit of luck and careful observation, you may come across them during your time in Apollo Bay.

Remember, koalas are wild animals, and their presence cannot be guaranteed. They are most active during the cooler parts of the day, so early mornings and late afternoons are generally the best times for koala spotting. Keep in mind that they are arboreal animals, spending most of their time high in the trees, so you’ll need to look up to spot them.

When observing koalas, be respectful and maintain a safe distance to avoid causing any stress or disturbance. Enjoy the experience of seeing these unique creatures in their natural habitat and appreciate the beauty of the Great Ocean Road and its wildlife.