Local events

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The Apollo Bay Market

Every Saturday morning at approx 9AM-1PM on the Apollo Bay Foreshore, you can head down to the local market (next to the Information Centre at the start of the Great Ocean Walk). Choose from local seasonal produce, health beauty products, plants, clothing, and one of our favourites is Brad West at the sculpture stall. Why not commission yourself a lovely Australian totem pole! Also be sure to look at John Smith’s lovely pots and plates ๐Ÿ™‚

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Apollo Bay Farmers Market

The Apollo Bay Farmerโ€™s Market is on the 3rd Sunday of every month and is areal locals hangout! Simply turn up for yummy egg and bacon roll and a coffee, or wander around and admire the wonderful local produce, from jams, cheese, Otway Prime Meats, wines, herbal teas, beauty herbal creams, arts and crafts more!ย 

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Apollo Bay Winter Wild Festival

This wonderful community event is held in the winter months and the date changes each year, so please check out the website for more info. It’s a fun weekend opened by the traditional owners of the land, and includes informative talks, bands, food, wine and dancing! A great weekend away ๐Ÿ™‚

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Apollo Bay Seafood Festival

If you love seafood and a fun community event, the Apollo Bay Seafood Festival is a lot of fun! Last year our highlight was when we were taught by a local fisherman (known as ‘Frosty’ to the locals) how to cook a crayfish properly ..and it really did taste AMAZING! Other food stalls sold calamari, oysters, and of course Apollo Bay famous scallop pie cooked by the local bakery.